The Sprayer Depot Blog

Product Highlight: Spray Tips

Written by Sprayer Depot | Wed, Jun 28, 2017

The choice of which spray tip to use is one of the most important considerations before applying a spray application. To assure the best possible spray application keep these key factors in mind:

  1. Application rate
  2. Ground speed
  3. Spray width 

Application Rate 

The application rate is a predetermined range that is based on gallons per acre (GPA), that is, the amount of the chemical (in gallons) and the amount of the chemical recommended per acre of application. This range should be listed on the packaging label or can be provided by any Sprayer Depot associate.  Many people base their choice of spray tip on this figure alone but it is not recommended since the GPA is a measurement range under standard conditions only. It doesn't take into account other changes or contributing variables that may also be factors.  

Ground Speed

Ground speed is a measurement of the speed in miles per hour (mph) that the ground can be sprayed. The tractor or other equipment used to spray the ground often has a range of average speeds. The range which is generally accepted is between three and seven miles per hour.

Spray Width 

Every spray tip has a corresponding effective spray width, based on the shape of the tip and pattern of spray delivery. There are three basic spray styles that typically use specific patterns of delivery or distribution:

  • Broadcast Spraying - commonly uses the flat, fan pattern type nozzles and is the most common type of spray nozzle used 
  • Band Spraying - the cone shaped nozzle is most often used for band spraying due to the wider coverage this nozzle provides 
  • Row Crop Spraying - flooding nozzles are ideal since they are wind-tolerant and best suited for low pressure spraying of large areas

Some of our most popular spray tip manufacturers are Hypro and TeeJet and we also offer a wide selection of from Udor and Green Garde (replacement tips for the JD9-C High Pressure Spray Gun).  Take a look at the very handy Hypro and TeeJet info sheets that are included in this guide to help you determine the correct nozzle type. For more information on selecting the right spray tip for your job, talk to one of our experienced Customer Service Technicians or check out our website at