Imagine you’re applying pesticides using a backpack sprayer. Or, just the same, you’re spraying from a truck using a tank, pump and hose to apply chemicals. Maybe you’re using a boom setup. For that matter, you could even be piloting an airplane and in each situation the definition of spray drift is the same.
Sprayer Depot Blog
Topics: Spray Equipment Maintenance, Hypro, Boom Sprayer, fertilizer sprayer, Sprayer Depot, sprayers, spray equipment checklist, sprayer, spray tips, calibrating a sprayer, spray tip, spray tip selection, Shurflo, Sprayer Calibration, sprayer checklist, sprayer equipment, sprayer nozzle, spray drift, spray tip calculator, spray tip selector, drift control spray tip, drift control, Sprayer Set Up, Calibrating a Boom Sprayer, Boom Sprayer Calibration, sprayer tips and tricks
You’re on the market for a new spray pump. You have a pretty clear idea of what you need. After all, nine times out of ten it’s a replacement pump that’s on its last leg and in need of replacing. Not an easy pill to swallow when you have to buy one of the most vital parts for your sprayer. But where do you start?
Topics: Spray Equipment Maintenance, Hypro, Udor, Diaphragm pumps, Sprayer Depot, Sprayer Parts, diaphragm pump, Diapgragm pumps, sprayer, Centrifugal Pump, Roller Pump, centrifugal pumps, roller pumps, sprayer pumps, Udor Pumps, Transfer Pumps, Hypro Pump, Sprayer Pump, Roller Pump Repair, spray pumps, centrifrugal pump, Shurflo, sprayer equipment, parts, Comet Pumps, Triple Diaphragm Pumps, Pump, sprayer tips and tricks, customer service, Banjo, Myers, Myers Pumps, Banjo pumps, SHURflo pumps, buyer beware, price match, best price, lowest price
Is it time to replace your Roller Pump?
We receive a lot of calls from customers who want to repair their broken or damaged Roller Pump. Here are some things to consider:- Before buying and installing a repair kit for your Roller Pump, be sure that the housing of the pump is in good condition.
- If the housing of the pump is worn, new rollers won't be able to create enough pressure to move water through the pump. While you can purchase the pump housing as a replacement part, it is often more cost effective to buy a brand new pump.
- If you're not sure, take the pump apart, and send a picture to one of our Customer Service Technicians for help.
Topics: Hypro, roller pumps, sprayer pumps, Hypro Roller Pump, Sprayer Pump, Roller Pump Repair