Reprinted in-part from Hypro-Pentair
When it comes to broad spectrum herbicides like Dicamba, it's important to always pay attention to the guidelines on the label.

*Application Rate
*Approved Spray Nozzles
*Application Rate
*Boom Height
*Acceptable Wind Speeds
*Buffer Zones
Quick Select Charts for Dicamba Nozzles
Hypro's Quick Select Chart for Dicamba Nozzles provides you a simple way to determine which label-approved nozzle is right for your specific application.
Using the chart is quick and easy:
- Simply find your nozzle spacing and application rate from the columns provided.
- Scan down the column to find your desired speed range, and
- Ta-da - you have just selected the right label-approved nozzle for your application! You also have the speed range at which you can use it.
See the recommended spray tips on our website.
For more information about label-approved nozzles from Hypro, click here.