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Sprayer Depot Blog

Customer Highlight: Get to Know McGuanes Landscaping & Tree Service

Posted by Sprayer Depot on Tue, Apr 19, 2016

We know it takes hard work, long hours and a lot of effort to make it in the spray industry, so our Customer Highlight Contest is a fun way to recognize customers who exemplify these industry values. Today, we are featuring one of the winners of our most recent Customer Highlight Contest.

McguanesLandscaping_Spraying1.jpgMcGuanes Landscaping and Tree Services submitted a couple of great pictures of their crew doing one of the things they do best: spraying trees and shrubs to keep pests at bay and customers happy! 

With over 28 years of experience providing landscaping and tree services to Central Connecticut and Western Massachusetts, McGuanes Landscaping and Tree Service can design a customized lawn and/or tree spraying program to meet commercial or residential customers' needs. 

Let's read more about them: 

Name: Martin McGuane 

Business Name: McGuanes Landscaping and Tree Service Inc.

Location: Enfield, CT 

1. Briefly describe your business and the type of services you provide:

We are a locally owned and operated lawn and tree spraying company. We have been in the chemical lawn and tree care business for 28 years. We provide insect and disease control to our residential and commercial customers. Our lawn and tree care programs are preventative; we design customized programs to meet the needs of each property.

2. Do you use social media for your business? If so, what channels? (Facebook, Twitter, etc)

While we have been in business for over 28 years, we are very new to social media. About a year ago, we brought on a former employee, Michael Chant, to build our website and establish our social media presence. We can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yelp and YouTube. We like to focus on a specific audience and our followers are growing every day!



Twitter: @mcguaneslandsc1  

Instagram: @mcguaneslandscaping

YouTube: McGuanes Landscaping and Tree Service

McguanesLandscaping_Spraying1.jpg3. What type of equipment do you use most often?

Our lawn care crews use John Bean Sprayers and Turfco Spreaders. We also use Z-Spray Spreaders.

4. When using a sprayer, what are you typically spraying?

For our lawn care customers, we are spraying insecticides and herbicides. Our tree care crews are spraying non-toxic insecticides, dormant oil, fungicides, insecticides and deep root fertilizer. Depending on the time of year, we might be spraying hemlocks, arborvitaes, fruit trees, birches and other ornamentals.

5. What months of the year are the busiest for your business?

March, April, and May are the busiest months for us. During this time, we are applying dormant oil to all hemlocks, arborvitaes, and fruit trees. We also need to have our first lawn care application complete by the end of April.

6. What is one part or component you always keep on hand?

We always try to keep at least one extra spray gun (Green Garde JD9-C) on each of our tree trucks and as well an extra reel of hose in the shop. 

7. What is the biggest way Sprayer Depot helps make your life easier?

What we really like about Sprayer Depot is that that they have everything we need from complete sprayers to replacement parts in one place and they ship right to our door, fast!

8. If you could choose the color of our next "Eat. Spray. Love" t-shirt, what color would it be?

It seems like everyone in our industry has green t-shirts so the right color of gray would really stick out!

Do you want to be featured in your very own Customer Highlight post? Contact us using the comments form below and we’ll get in touch with you ASAP. Remember to stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages for future promotions, contests, and industry news. 


Topics: JD9-C Spray Gun, spray equipment, customer highlight, tree spraying, John Bean Sprayers

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