Like all machinery and equipment, regular use of spray equipment over time results in normal wear and tear. However, it is also true that regular maintenance and simple repairs or adjustments that are done when needed, prolongs the life and the proper functioning of your machinery and spray equipment. Oftentimes, the minor issues that are left untended, and the lack of routine maintenance of your spray equipment result in major problems that are not only far more costly, but also can have a huge impact on the overall efficiency of your business. Without regular maintenance, minor problems can even develop into or cause additional issues that might require complete replacement of your equipment.
To circumvent these potential problems, we suggest regular check-ups of your spray equipment for issues, and more importantly... fixing any of the minor problems that arise promptly before they become major problems! The following is a helpful summary of some basic maintenance tips that you can use as a reference:
- Clean and flush all sprayer equipment after use. This very basic (and very simple) rule of thumb could save you from a host of problems that could develop from equipment that may become clogged or damaged from fluids. Flushing your strainer is essential too in order to prevent loss of pressure and contamination.
- Perform a routine check of your spray tips. Checking your spray tips for any damage can really save you a lot of time and energy
in the long run and is a cinch to do with nothing more than a visual inspection. If you notice any damage, replace the tip as soon as possible.
- Check your oil levels. It is a smart idea to regularly check your oil levels in your gearbox, pump and engine. If they are low, fill to the appropriate levels.
- Calibrate your sprayer before storing it. Before putting your sprayer away, make sure to calibrate it to ensure it is delivering the proper application rate.
With basic maintenance of your spray equipment, you can enjoy trouble-free use and efficiency for much longer and without accruing excess costs. To make your maintenance even easier for you, we've compiled a printable step by step guide which you can download here! As always, if you have any questions or need some technical assistance, our Customer Service Technicians are always available to help!