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Sprayer Depot Blog

Why the JD9-C Spray Gun Is One of Our Best Selling Spray Guns

Posted by Sprayer Depot on Wed, Aug 31, 2016

What is a JD9-C Spray Gun?

The JD9-C spray gun is one of the most popular spray guns used in the spray industry. It's a heavy duty spray gun with a max of 1,000 psi. Adjustable from a fine mist to a longjd9_C spray gun.jpg distance pencil stream by turning the barrel, the JD9-C spray gun has a convenient trigger lock for continuous spraying and comes with various interchangeable spray nozzles and tips.

Uses for a JD9-C Spray Gun

A great choice for small tree spraying, lawn-care chemical application, perimeter control of insects and a wide range of other jobs where high-pressure spraying is needed, this gun is versatile and can be used in a wide range of professional spray applications.One of the main reasons why this spray gun is so popular is because it works with all types of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers. It can be used with a variety of tips & nozzles, root feeder attachments & accessory fittings.

Repair Kits

It's a good idea to keep a JD9 spray gun repair kit on hand.  We also recommend watching this quick Instructional Video from our YouTube channel for a review on how to repair an O-ring on a JD9-C spray gun:

Got a question on which spray gun is best suited for your job? Leave it in the comment box below.

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